Brennan Manning - Are You Jesus?

In The Ragamuffin Gospel, Brennan Manning writes about five salesmen from Milwaukee who went to a convention in Chicago. They had promised their wives that they would be home in time for dinner, but the meeting ran over and the men were running hard to catch the train. As they ran through the terminal, one of the men accidentally kicked over a table supporting a basket of apples. Without breaking stride, all of the group ran on and caught the commuter train with a sigh of relief, except one.

It just so happened that the table belonged to a 10-year old boy who was there selling apples to pay for his books and clothes for school.One of the salesmen, looking back, felt a pang of guilt and told his friends to call his wife and tell him he would be an hour and a half late. He returned to the little boy only to discover that the boy was blind. With great compassion, he began to gather up all the apples, returned them to his table and then he gave the little boy twenty dollars for the apples that had been bruised in the mishap. As the man walked away, the bewildered, blind boy called after him saying, “Are you Jesus?”

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