There was a dispute which had grown into a
lawsuit between two farmers as to just where the line between them was and
where a fence should be. Finally one of the farmers sold out, and the purchaser
moved in.
Soon he met Farmer Smith, who was agitated and said to his new
neighbor, "They tell me you have bought this farm, and I just want to
inform you that you have bought a lawsuit."
He was asked to explain, and
said, "Well, the fence, being located where it is, cheats me out of two
feet of my land."
"Then," said the newcomer kindly, "we
will move it back four feet."
"No," said Farmer Smith,
"that is more than I ask." "But," said the new neighbor,
"I would rather have peace with my neighbors than a few feet of earth!"
"Then," said Farmer Smith very quietly, "if that is the way you
feel, the fence stays just where it is and the lawsuit is all off."
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